“Nobody gives a $#!+ about your business as much as you do … but I will!” - Tara

Your partner, your employees, your friends … sure they care but they don’t want to talk about the ins and outs, business development and strategy as much as you do. You can’t expect them to or blame them either! So where does this leave you?

  • without an expert to bounce ideas and problems off of for USEFUL feedback

  • too close to the situation to make objective decisions

  • excited about opportunities and wins without anyone to celebrate with fully (and possibly driving those close to you insane rambling about them)

And because transparency and being bold are part of our values and who I am, here comes the feather-ruffling rant!

You need an invested strategic partner. You don’t need a coach. Why do I make a bold statement like that? Because, if you’re like us, you know there is more value in an active member of the team that is working with you and FOR you. In my experience, coaching is a good fit for the lonely entrepreneur but can be a lot like having talk therapy. You leave on a high, feeling great about having a confidence-building meeting/conversation, but then when you think about it days later when the after-glow has worn off, you wonder if your spend is worth it without getting something tangible in return.

And let’s talk about objectivity and getting another perspective. A coach will have a unique view on your business situation but without doing their own lengthy homework and research, they really only have what you tell them to go off of. You know what you know already. You need NEW knowledge. Don’t get me wrong, some coaches do lots of prep work, but they are mainly paid to show up for you at a scheduled time each week or month. Their success is not directly tied to your results.

Basically, I think you should be able to have your cake and eat it too. You can having those coaching moments while still having someone work on and in your business. You don’t need a coach to pump you up and celebrate the wins with. Anyone who knows your business really well, knows your goals and is invested in your success will do that too. Get someone who works for you like a co-founder that you don’t have to share ownership with. Even if you have to pay a little bit more for it, it’s worth it.

Rant over.



Positioning Your Business